Data Center Full-Stack IT Architecture Integration
Infrastructure Operations Insight Analysis and Optimization
Business Migration To A Hybrid Cloud Environment
IT Infrastructure O&M Services For Chinese Enterprises Going Global
IT On-site Services For Multi-Branch Organizations
Enterprise IPv6 Application Transformation Consulting And Implementation
Building Orchestratable Security Framework For Online Transactions
Low-Latency Trading Optimization Solution In Securities And Futures Markets
Network Construction Of Data Center Resource Pool
Backbone Network And Traffic Engineering
Full-stack IT For Urban Commercial Bank Data Centers
Building A BDR System For Data Center
November 1, 2013, ECCOM and Skybox signed Gold partner agreement, becoming the first Skybox partners in Mainland China. As a result ECCOM will conduct comprehensive cooperation in the marketing, training, consulting and technical services. Skybox is a global leader in Security Risk Management, and has been actively working with more than 30 firewalls, security, network and other technology vendors, and supports over 80 types of device management providing the most comprehensive security solution.
As time are changing, a company's security policies and security devices are becoming numerous and complex. Traditional risk analysis carried out manually, auditing, compliance checks and change management only increases the burden on administrators, and may be prone to errors. Therefore, companies need a new way to improve efficiency and reduce risk.
ECCOM will work together with Skybox providing solutions for the following areas:
Firewall Assurance - firewall audit and analysis solution: discover dangerous and erroneous configuration rules, and complete compliance auditing and firewall optimization in a few minutes.
Change Manager-firewall change workflow management solutions: from request to approval, implement automated firewall change processes, assess the impact of changes on risk and vulnerability, and record audit information.
Network Assurance - Network Compliance Inspection: Generate network topology, verify access paths in the network, network policy compliance verification, and troubleshooting blocked access paths.
Risk Control - to prevent potential attacks: quickly identify exploitable vulnerabilities, prioritize risks facing an important asset, visualize attacks and provide recommendations.
Traditional firewalls, next-generation firewalls and load balancers have become an integral part of the network infrastructure and network application services. As the number of devices grows, device management becomes a prominent issue. Skybox products and ECCOM security and management solutions not only help customers strengthen security and management, but also allow customers the full and efficient use of existing resources, improving the overall level of management, enabling customers to achieve the best network security and management status.